Saturday, October 29, 2011

AWOL Crew 2011

Awol crew ~:~ Brunswick ~:~ 2011


Monday, September 5, 2011

Meta Bilby

Psychedelic Bilby

psy fauna

Psy - Animals
(Painting with Makatron, more to come)


Promethian Jesters Truck

At Rainbow Serpent as the Fire Stage

Monday, May 2, 2011

aves cerebrum

large canvas for grand opening group show at rtist gallery, prahran

this cant be happening

The direct implications of a universe filled with infinite possibilities results in kevin waking up as a fish's anus in a back alley in prahran...

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Somewhere in Prahran this is happening right now

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

whats another name for pirates treasure?

the portal

nature always wins

spraycan exorcism

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

AWOL crew @ NGV

Just finished painting the AWOL crew installation at the National Gallery at Fed Square,
was awesome to have all the crew in one place for once :)
You can help us to get more opportunities to show there by
giving us props on the official NGV facecrack site:
or you can check out the rest of the crews work @:

Friday, January 28, 2011

Everfresh @ Lost in Bass @ Neverland

.enter the void.

Painted live yesterday with Reka and Makatron for
the Lost in Bass party at Neverland, twas 12 hours of
mutated bass heaven...
Big ups to Beats Antique, Wasabi, Dysphemic
& Dj Marky

Saturday, January 15, 2011

AWOL Brunswick joinup Nov 2010

heres a rad AWOL production from late last year
i dig rockin the limited pallete